Populism, Stigma and Human Rights

Ibrahim Kurt
Stichting Cosmicus


From the standpoint of human history, each century has its own notable points. The first decades of the twenty-first century began with hopes and developed technological components for societies. Nonetheless, it has many issues and problems from the previous century to solve and deal with global events. Not only are human rights an ongoing issue, but so is nature, with climate change becoming a major concern. Humans have attempted to solve problems with nature, but they have their own issues in societies, among people, and between countries. One of them is the rise of populism throughout the world. People, groups, nations, and countries are divided by populist ideologies, politicians, and religious factions. Populist speeches and movements have resulted in some being labeled, stereotyped, discriminated against, treated separately, and/or experiencing loss of status for others, stigmatizing people and relationships all over the world. Among other things, stigma is a tool used in the quest to rule the environment. People who compete for social status and seek to prove their superiority attempt to rule society in this manner. Stigma causes facts to be changed, society to be shaped, and new social narratives to emerge. These discourses have an impact on how society is structured, either positively or negatively. Negative discourses undermine social integrity, exacerbate racial segregation, and lead to social isolation of groups in society. Different ideologies and points of view can lead to societal stigma and discrimination against members of specific groups. A person or group with a distinct ideology or set of beliefs may incite other people or organizations in the community to engage in social stigmatization, marginalization, discrimination, or even genocide. Throughout history, there have been numerous examples of these atrocities. It is critical to promote and foster an environment of understanding, tolerance, and friendship with a focus on human rights among all nations, racial, and religious groups in society. According to human rights, all humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights.


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