Documenting Distinctive Features of Indigenous Bapedi Music

Morakeng Edward Kenneth Lebaka
Department of Creative Arts; University of Zululand, Kwadlangezwa Campus


Abstract In the Bapedi music tradition, characteristics and the role of indigenous music in the community is one area that requires scholarly attention. An investigation into the use and influence of pure, natural, and authentic indigenous music in the context of religion and wellbeing is inevitable. The purpose of this study was to investigate the significant role played by indigenous music in the daily lives of Bapedi people, as well as the characteristics of the music. To address the objectives of the study, the following primary research question was considered: what is the cultural relevance of indigenous Bapedi music? The primary sources for data collection include observations and oral interviews that were conducted through face-to-face interaction. The interviews were aimed at eliciting first-hand information on the knowledge of the subject matter. The secondary sources included among others, materials such as journal articles, books and theses, and of course personal experience. The results have shown that indigenous Bapedi music is a social activity in which everyone participates and requires coordinated cooperation. It was concluded that Bapedi people use a wide variety of sounds within a single performance. The impression created during observations and interviews was that music rhythm and percussive sounds are highly emphasized in indigenous Bapedi music. Keywords: Bapedi people, indigenous music, Bapedi music tradition, religion, well-being.


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