A Literature Review on School Leadership and the Impact of the Leader Manager in Improving Albanian School Effectiveness

Edi Puka
European University of Tirana


The aim of this study is to review the literature on school leadership and to evaluate through analysis the implementation of a new position of school principal in Albania, the principal as a school manager. The function of the principal as a manager is not only closely related to the school administration in financial terms but also to curriculum planning, organization, monitoring the progress of teachers and students, managing human resources, solving problems in school, etc. Through literature review, this study will analyse leadership styles that affect the effective management of the school and the role of school principal as a manager in increasing school productivity. The findings from this literature review indicate that management and leadership are essential in successful school development. Nowadays, Albanian schools need to be led by good managers who must be good leaders and who must have managerial skills to be efficient.


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