Results in Education of the First Albanian Government

Nevila Mehmeti
Aleksandër Moisiu University Durrës


Results in education of the first Albanian government Phd. Nevila Mehmeti Aleksandër Moisiu University Durrës Faculty of Education [email protected] Abstract One of the most important objectives that Vlora’s government posed to itself after Albania’s independence was education and the spread of the Albanian language as an official language across the country. This paper aims to shed light over one of the biggest challenges the newly created Albanian state was facing in 1912-1914 timeframe, the difficulties it encountered and of course the initial results achieved in highly difficult circumstances, where the existence of Albania as a country was questioned quite often. Vlora’s government, led by Ismail Qemali, considered appropriate to focus on the spread of national education. In that situation, opening of schools was seen for the government as an indicator on the Albanian ordinary people, intellectuals and patriots, of its expanding authority in the country. Thus a real expression of freedom. For centuries Albanians were not allowed from the Ottoman Empire to get education in their native language. Now, because of the independence, this was a tangible opportunity in their hands. This paper elaborates clearly the phases on which learning Albanian language passed into, initiating of course with opening of schools and their spread in many areas of the country. But also with the administrative, educational and legal measures in support of a normal educational process in the context of that period in history. The objective of this paper is to reflect the efforts and results of Vlora’s government in education, seen from the point of view of archived historical documents, press of the time and several monographies of Albanian and foreign authors. In the research work for this paper the most qualitative methods are used by conducting an aggregative, descriptive and analytical research work. Key words: Albania’s Independence, Vlora’s Government, educational policy, school, textbooks.


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