Population Dynamics of Lygus Species in Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) Fields Cultivated in Southeastern Anatolia, Turkey

Çeti̇n Mutlu and Hivda Yalcin
Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Harran University, Şanlıurfa, Turkey


Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is an important industrial plant in Turkey and Southeastern Anatolia region is the top cotton producing region in the country. Several diseases and pests infest cotton crop, incurring significant quantitative and qualitative losses. Among these pests, Lygus spp. cause significant losses starting from vegetative period of cotton. This study determined the relationship between population dynamics of Lygus spp. and phenology of cotton in Diyarbakır province during 2020 and 2021. For determining Lygus species, samples were collected from 244 fields in 7 districts of Diyarbakır province by using either D-vac or sweep net based on the phenological period of cotton. Population dynamics studies were carried out weekly in two different fields in Sur and Çınar districts in each year, starting from 3-5 leaf growth stage of cotton. Two species, i.e., L. gemellatus (H.-S.) and L. pratensis (L.), were identified during the study. Among these species, L. gemellatus was the most dense and widespread, found in 91.2% and 74.7% of the surveyed fields during 2020 and 2021, respectively. The pests were recorded in cotton fields at the end of May (before the flowering period) in both years of study. It was observed that population increased after this period and L. gemellatus population reached the highest-level during boll setting period of cotton. On the other hand, population of L. pratensis peaked during boll maturation period. It is concluded that the population density of both pests can change from year to year depending on biotic and abiotic factors. It is suggested that surveys to detect these pests must be conducted at the start of the vegetative period of cotton.


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