A Significant Hidden Truth Concerning the Leaky Cut Syndrome; It Might Be A Small Intestinal Enteropathy Rather Than It is A Gluten-Induced Intestinal Dehisence

Abdullah M Nasrat
Zaitona Medical Cupping Center, Medina, Saudi Aeabia.


Aim: Demonstration of a hidden fact concerning the leaky gut (LG) challenge due to a natural gut bacterium misbehavior. Background: Great scientific efforts are dealing with the topic of the LG challenge; many are unsupported by true etiologic evidences, some are indirectly close to the truth while few are touching near the roots of this truth.1-4 The truth might date since 1985 and 1986 where a biological bacterium (Helicobacter pylori) has been forced outside the stomach with consequent disease flare up. The traces of this bacterium while in the stomach helps digestion, absorption and intestinal motility. If it migrates and occupies the small intestine for nutrition, its products in profuse amounts would definitely cause indigestion, malabsorption and intestinal delay with subsequent excess fermentation, even putrefaction, excess production and absorption of many toxins that could explain the adverse symptoms encountered in the LG syndrome.5-7 Methods: A prospective study included 9 male patients known with LG disease. They were given a side dish of chickpea flour béchamel or puree during or in between the attacks of symptoms. Results: All patients demonstrated marked improvement and decreased frequency of symptoms. Conclusion: The chickpea flour is a good fluid absorbant helping to turn the gut fluid contents into semi-formed pasty matter which is less fermetable and moving better in the gut resulting in less production and less absorption of toxins. Scientific efforts should be better directed towards control of environmental chemicals and the antibiotic abuse which could lead to misbehavior of some natural gut microbiota. Keywords: antibiotic abuse, chickpea flour, dates fibers, enteropathy, gluten sensitivity, gut barrier, intestinal permeability, Helicobacter pylori, leaky gut, microbiota, References [1] Camilleri, M. (2019, Aug). Leaky Gut: Mechanisms, measurement and clinical implications in humans. Gut, 68(8), 1516-1526. [2] Köhler, C. A., Maes, M., Slyepchenko, A., Berk, M., Solmi, M., & Lanctôt, K. L., et al. (2016). The gut-brain axis, including the microbiome, leaky gut and bacterial translocation: Mechanisms and pathophysiological role in Alzheimer's disease. Curr Pharm Des, 22(40), 6152-6166. [3] Srikantha, P., & Mohajeri, M. H. (2019, Apr 29). The possible role of the microbiota-gut-brain-axis in autism spectrum disorder. Int J Mol Sci, 20(9):2115. doi: 10.3390/ijms20092115 [4] Ahmadi, S., Wang, S., Nagpal, R., Wang, B., Jain, S., & Razazan, A., et al. (2020, May 7). A human-origin probiotic cocktail ameliorates aging-related leaky gut and inflammation via modulating the microbiota/taurine/tight junction axis. JCI Insight, 5(9). [5] Farinha P., & Gascoyne RD. (2005, May). Helicobacter pylori and MALT lymphoma. Gastroenterology, 128(6), 1579-605. [6] Nasrat, A. M. (2017). Biological benefits of Helicobacter pylori and the intelligence of juxta-mucosal ammonia. Am J Med Med Sci, 7 (7), 281-286. doi: 10.5923/j.ajmms. 20170707.01 [7] Nasrat, A. M., Nasrat, S. A. M., Nasrat, R. M., & Nasrat, M. M. (2015). Misconception and misbehavior towards Helicobacter pylori is leading to major spread of illness. Gen Med, S1, 2. doi: 10.4172/2327-5146.1000S1-002


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